An update version of previous digital portrait adhering to the requirements.
A final comp assignment that includes 2 previous weeks assignments (Modeling, Texturing & Lighting Tuktuk). Mustang fighter planes and backplate were provided. Mustangs are add to create a chasing scene.
Another entry for Sketchbunnies. The theme this week is Donburi Momotaro, 2 japanese words which loosely translates to rice peach boy.
went to Pulau Ubin for photography with a small group.
Started participating in sketchbunnies bi/weekly sketch/paint.
Theme : Birthday, Done in Photoshop, 5 hours. 
This 2005 student project was done by me and 6 other friends.
This was a trip I organized last year to have a capture of old school trains in Singapore before they're being demolished.
Not really an illustration person, but I really had tonnes of fun doing this. Probably will try another the 1 soon XD